Monday, 22 October 2012

Palm Tree Lovin . . .

Palm Tree's - so I have always loved palm trees as a kid they lined the street I lived in, in Cape Town, as an adult they lined my favorites streets in the world (LA) & made everything feel even more sumptuous some how, and throughout my life as a constant they have been here in Jersey too (which is where this one was photographed at the weekend) . . . they always seem so out of place in Jersey or anywhere in the UK for that matter, kind of weird . . . but palm tress are so, I don't know strangely calming and appealing to me . . . 

I remember as a kid I spray painted, pink, lilac, gold, silver & yellow all the palm trees at the front of  my mum's house for a photography project, needless to say I wasn't her favorite person nor the gardens for a while . . . 

I don't know what it is about them but me and palm tress there's just this thing we have . . .

PALM TRESS ARE COOL (where ever they are in the world) . . .

so yup topic of the day palm trees.


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